from 1499
Volckamer Memorial Foundation, Mother of Sorrows
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
Gesamtansicht von links
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
Mother of Sorrows, detail
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1499
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
Detail mit Händen
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
Faltenwerk und Hände
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
Faltenwerk, Detail
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
unteres Faltenwerk
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebaldus Church, east choir
Design: Stoss, Veit
Realization: Stoss, Veit
Material: Holz
photo 2020, Theo Noll
from 1499
Gesamtansicht der Gedächtnisstiftung mit Reliefplatten, l.o. Schmerzensmann und r.o. Schmerzensmutter
photo 2020, Theo Noll
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