from 1516 to 1520
photo 2011, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1516 to 1520
photo 2021, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
photo 2021, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
Upper part of the body, lateral view
photo 2011, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
seitliche Ansicht
photo 2021, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
photo 2021, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
photo 2021, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
Upper part of the body, lateral view
photo 2011, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
Lateral view
photo 2011, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
Head of the Savior
photo 2018, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
Loin cloth
photo 2011, Theo Noll
from 1516 to 1520
photo 2011, Theo Noll
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