from 1507 to 1508
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Pablo de la Riestra, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
photo 2009, Pablo de la Riestra
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
from 1507 to 1508
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
Schrägansicht von unen
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
from 1507 to 1508
Inschrift: Hier tregt Cristus das Creutz und wird von den Juden ser hart geslagen VIIc LXXX (780) Sritt von Pilatus Haus
This is where Christ bears his cross and is beaten up by the Jews.
Copy, original in the German National Museum
photo 2022, Theo Noll
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