from 1490 to 1492
Total view
photo 2011, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1490 to 1492
Right wall, Christ carrying the cross
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1490 to 1492
Right wall, Christ carrying the cross, detail
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1490 to 1492
Central wall, entombment of Christ
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1490 to 1492
Central wall, entombment of Christ, Joseph of Arimathia and Nicodemus
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1490 to 1492
Central wall: Lamentation of Christ with Mary Magdalena
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1490 to 1492
Left wall: Christ resurrected
photo 2013, Theo Noll
from 1490 to 1492
Left wall: Christ resurrected, background detail
photo 2013, Theo Noll
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