Franconian country road with a lonely hiker
Location: Marktheidenfeld, Verlag Horst Bröstler
Design: Gradl, Hermann
Realization: Gradl, Hermann
Material: Oil painting
photo 2018, Theo Noll
Detailed view with tree avenue and hiker
Franconian country road with a lonely hiker
Location: Marktheidenfeld, Verlag Horst Bröstler
Design: Gradl, Hermann
Realization: Gradl, Hermann
Material: Oil painting
photo 2018, Theo Noll
Detailed view with tree avenue and hiker
photo 2018, Theo Noll
Franconian country road with a lonely hiker
Location: Marktheidenfeld, Verlag Horst Bröstler
Design: Gradl, Hermann
Realization: Gradl, Hermann
Material: Ölgemälde
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