Total view of the cartouche
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Detail, inscription of the cartouche
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Foot of the cartouche with swan
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
Crown of the cartouche with skull
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Crown of the cartouche with skull, flat view
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Top of the crown with signature of the artist: GEORG SCHWEIGGER, BILTH. FECIT
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Signature of the artist, photo turned upside down: GEORG SCHWEIGGER, BILTH. FECIT
photo 2017, Theo Noll
Location: Nuremberg, Johannis cemetery, grave number 1484
Design: Schweigger, Georg
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