from 1988 to 1992
General view of the Romanesque entrance portal with the newly created tympanon and door wings
Tympanon: sandstone, 1988/89
Door wings: bronze, 1991/92
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebald-Church, northwest entrance portal
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1988 to 1992
Tympanon, Christ bends down towards the dead
Tympanon: sandstone, 1988/89
Door wings: bronze, 1991/92
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebald-Church, northwest entrance portal
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
photo 2017,
from 1988 to 1992
Lower part of the bronze door, death with his scythe is looming behind men
Tympanon: sandstone, 1988/89
Door wings: bronze, 1991/92
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebald-Church, northwest entrance portal
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1988 to 1992
Lower part of the bronze door with the dead crowded together
Tympanon: sandstone, 1988/89
Door wings: bronze, 1991/92
Location: Nuremberg, St. Sebald-Church, northwest entrance portal
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
photo 2017, Theo Noll
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