View from the front
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Theo Noll
Rear view
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Theo Noll
Front and backside in confrontation
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Theo Noll
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Pablo de la Riestra
Head, profile
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2012, Pablo de la Riestra
Ermine cape and head, diagonal view from below
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Pablo de la Riestra
Ermine cape and coat, detail
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Pablo de la Riestra
Podium zone, diagonal view
Design: Jörg Kölderer, 1522
Model: Leonhart Magt, 1523
Cast: Stephan Godl, 1523
Biographical data of the person presented:
Sigmund "rich in coins" 1427-1496
photo 2018, Pablo de la Riestra
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