from 1951 to 1953
Total view from the north east
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2016, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1951 to 1953
North west side
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2011, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1951 to 1953
Total view from the east
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2016, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1951 to 1953
Upper storeys with the so-called tearoom from the east
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2016, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1951 to 1953
So-called tearoom from the north
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2016, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1951 to 1953
Entrance pergola facing Rothenburger Straße
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2016, Pablo de la Riestra
from 1951 to 1953
Pergola on Fürther Straße
Municipal utilities (Städtische Werke), administration building It is not by accident that the Lord Mayor used to give his official receptions in the so-called tearoom with the roof terrace because the vista of the Old Citty from here is magnificent
Location: Nuremberg, Am Plärrer 43
Design: Schlegtendal, Wilhelm
photo 2016, Pablo de la Riestra
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