from 1541
Lying figure
photo 2013,
For the lying figure a wood model has been preserved in the German National Museum, attributed to Hans Peisser.
Location: Lemberg (Ukraine), Roman Catholic Cathedral
Realization: Labenwolf, Pankraz
from 1541
Detail: Breastplate and head
For the lying figure a wood model has been preserved in the German National Museum, attributed to Hans Peisser.
Location: Lemberg (Ukraine), Roman Catholic Cathedral
Realization: Labenwolf, Pankraz
photo 2013,
from 1541
Detail: Head
For the lying figure a wood model has been preserved in the German National Museum, attributed to Hans Peisser.
Location: Lemberg (Ukraine), Roman Catholic Cathedral
Realization: Labenwolf, Pankraz
photo 2013,
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