ab 1356
Choir, clerestory and buttresses by Peter Parler
(Continued construction)
Location: Prague
Design: Parler, Baumeisterfamilie, Parler, Peter
photo 2007, Pablo de la Riestra
ab 1356
High Choir and buttress detail from the north west, second half of the 14th century
(Continued construction)
Location: Prague
Design: Parler, Baumeisterfamilie, Parler, Peter
photo 2012, Pablo de la Riestra
ab 1356
Southern entrance hall, 1367-68, detail
(Continued construction)
Location: Prague
Design: Parler, Baumeisterfamilie, Parler, Peter
photo 2012, Pablo de la Riestra
ab 1356
High choir and vault. second half of the 14th century
(Continued construction)
Location: Prague
Design: Parler, Baumeisterfamilie, Parler, Peter
photo 2007, Pablo de la Riestra
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