1906 1910
Ensemble from the northeast
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: New Jewish Cemetery, Schnieglinger Str. 155, Nuremberg
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
Hall with canopy and fountain
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
Side wing
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
View from the south
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
View from the north-west with stair turret View from the south with the central stair turret
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
View from the north-west with stair turret
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
Picture comparison with the staircase turret at the Schmausenschloss in Mögeldorf (1682)
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
Axial view of the rear of the hall
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
Picture comparison with the hall choir roof of Sankt Lorenz (arches by Hans Behaim ? / 1477)
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: Neuer Jüdischer Friedhof, Schnieglinger Str. 155, Nürnberg
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
1906 1910
Drinking water basin at the south-western corner of the building
The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Location: The cemetery was inaugurated on 10.05.1910 and extended in 1916.
Design: Hecht, Emil
photo 2022, Theo Noll
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