born Nürnberg, 23. Oct 1854
died Nürnberg, 31. Mar 1943
1885-1920 teacher for elementary modeling and wood carving at the Nuremberg School of Applied Arts, appointed professor in 1911. He created sculptures for the new town hall building on Fünferplatz and for the old town hall. In 1887 he delivered an altar shrine to Mellrichstadt. In the same year he made a copy of the butcher's fountain, and from 1889 onwards copies of the Stations of the Cross by Adam →Kraft. He also carried out renovation work on St. Sebald's Church and other churches. In 1881 he lived at Hinteren Ledergasse 47. In 1888 he set up a studio at Obere Pirckheimerstrasse 17, where he worked for many decades. Member of the History Association of the City of Nuremberg and temporarily a member of the Künstlerklause. Works: NUREMBERG, Rathaus Fünferplatz 2: Statue of Knight Kreß von Kressenstein, 1889. –, Wolffsches Rathaus, north and south portal: 4 monarchies and coats of arms cartouches, 1889 (copies, original in the GNM). –, Way of the Cross to St. Johannis: Seven Stations, 1891-1909 (copies after Adam Kraft). –, St. Sebald, north portal: sculptures by Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, 1894. –, Pilatushaus: house figure “St. Georg”, 1898 (copy). –, Fembohaus: Justitia, bronze. –, Pellerhaus: bust of Gustav Adolf (remains). –, Geiersberg: Geiersbrunnen, 1906 (draft). MuS: NUREMBERG, MStN. Lit.: Dammer, 1889, p. 32; Jb VGN 1908; AdBK, 1933; H. Siebenmorgen, in: GNM A, 1983; Masa, Freiplastiken, pp. 50, 423-428; Braun/Carbon, Brunnen 2001, p. 48.