from 1981 to 1982
General view, frontal
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
Sculpture at Hans-Sachs-Square
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
View from the south
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
Upper half
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
Hands with oversized stigmas
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
Diagonal view from the north
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
View from below
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
from 1981 to 1982
Jesus´ left hand
Location: Nuremberg, Hans-Sachs-Platz 2
Design: Heiber, Heinz
Realization: Heiber, Heinz
Material: Bronze
photo 2017, Theo Noll
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