1928 1968
Title page
Title page: Second annual exhibition of the Coburg Art Association (1968) The woodcut was depicted as a book title in at least two other cases: - Contemporary Nuremberg Art. The Art of the Living in the Dürer Year 1928 Dr. Benno Filser Verlag GmbH, Augsburg 1928 - Franconian Homeland, 14th year, Spindler Sommer and Schott Publishing Nuremberg 1935
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, inventory number: Amb.5 345.8°-2
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
Material: Woodcut
scan 2024, Theo Noll
1928 1968
Title page, image motif
Title page: Second annual exhibition of the Coburg Art Association (1968) The woodcut was depicted as a book title in at least two other cases: - Contemporary Nuremberg Art. The Art of the Living in the Dürer Year 1928 Dr. Benno Filser Verlag GmbH, Augsburg 1928 - Franconian Homeland, 14th year, Spindler Sommer and Schott Publishing Nuremberg 1935
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, inventory number: Amb.5 345.8°-2
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
Material: Woodcut
scan 2024, Theo Noll
1928 1968
Title page, detailed view
Title page: Second annual exhibition of the Coburg Art Association (1968) The woodcut was depicted as a book title in at least two other cases: - Contemporary Nuremberg Art. The Art of the Living in the Dürer Year 1928 Dr. Benno Filser Verlag GmbH, Augsburg 1928 - Franconian Homeland, 14th year, Spindler Sommer and Schott Publishing Nuremberg 1935
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, inventory number: Amb.5 345.8°-2
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
Material: Woodcut
scan 2024, Theo Noll
1928 1968
Title page, detailed view with Fembohaus
Title page: Second annual exhibition of the Coburg Art Association (1968) The woodcut was depicted as a book title in at least two other cases: - Contemporary Nuremberg Art. The Art of the Living in the Dürer Year 1928 Dr. Benno Filser Verlag GmbH, Augsburg 1928 - Franconian Homeland, 14th year, Spindler Sommer and Schott Publishing Nuremberg 1935
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, inventory number: Amb.5 345.8°-2
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
Material: Woodcut
scan 2024, Theo Noll
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