Advertising poster for the Winter Relief Fund in Sütterlin script.Image in: Albrecht-Dürer Association, exhibition of Max Körner's workIn the Franconian GalleryAt the Marientor - from June 21st to July 20th, 1941
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, signature: Nor. 8. 5177, media number: 9001805Nürn5 (exhibition booklet p. 20)
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
scan 2024, Theo Noll
upper half of the image, heading: Winter Relief Fund / A tinsel angel holds a ribbon with: Sacrifice! (swastika on the headband of the crown and on the V-neck of the dress)
Advertising poster for the Winter Relief Fund in Sütterlin script.Image in: Albrecht-Dürer Association, exhibition of Max Körner's workIn the Franconian GalleryAt the Marientor - from June 21st to July 20th, 1941
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, signature: Nor. 8. 5177, media number: 9001805Nürn5 (exhibition booklet p. 20)
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
scan 2024, Theo Noll
lower half of the image, inscription with: Sacrifice! / below: of the German people 1934/35
Advertising poster for the Winter Relief Fund in Sütterlin script.Image in: Albrecht-Dürer Association, exhibition of Max Körner's workIn the Franconian GalleryAt the Marientor - from June 21st to July 20th, 1941
Location: Nuremberg, City Library, signature: Nor. 8. 5177, media number: 9001805Nürn5 (exhibition booklet p. 20)
Design: Körner, Max
Realization: Körner, Max
photo 2024, Theo Noll
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