Thürer became Dürer ___________________
Albrecht Dürer the Elder, Goldsmith, silver worker born 1427, died September 20, 1502 Nuremberg came from the village of Ajtós near the city of Gyula in Hungary. In Germany he initially called himself Thurer (= door maker), which in Hungarian means ajtós (ajtó = door). In Nuremberg, Thürer became Dürer. see also: Dürer statuette for the Dürer anniversary 2021
Thürer became Dürer ___________________
Albrecht Dürer the Elder, Goldsmith, silver worker born 1427, died September 20, 1502 Nuremberg came from the village of Ajtós near the city of Gyula in Hungary. In Germany he initially called himself Thurer (= door maker), which in Hungarian means ajtós (ajtó = door). In Nuremberg, Thürer became Dürer. see also: Dürer statuette for the Dürer anniversary 2021
Thürer became Dürer ___________________
Albrecht Dürer the Elder, Goldsmith, silver worker born 1427, died September 20, 1502 Nuremberg came from the village of Ajtós near the city of Gyula in Hungary. In Germany he initially called himself Thurer (= door maker), which in Hungarian means ajtós (ajtó = door). In Nuremberg, Thürer became Dürer. see also: Dürer statuette for the Dürer anniversary 2021
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