

born Dollnstein, 29. May 1878

died Frankfurt am Main, 15. Aug 1934

The architect Ludwig Ruff, who was regarded to be conservative, built settlements in Nuremberg at the beginning of the 20th century (Dianablock, Werderau) in an indigenous style with a definitely Bavarian touch. Concerning architectural history his main work was the cinema in Phoebus-Palace on Königstorgraben (built in 1927, demolished in 1972). Later on his style “developed in a more monumental direction” totally turning away from modernism as well as from the native roots, which was more fatal. This is exactly what the Congress Hall on the Nazi party rally grounds conveys, being a pseudo-Roman Colosseum, which is definitely not entrenched in the German tradition, thus showing how “fake” German the Third Reich really was. As a “modernized” Colosseum the Congress Hall is clearly lacking the quality of the Palazzo della Civiltà del Lavoro of 1937-1940 in Rome planned by Ernesto Bruno La Padula, Giovanni Guerrini and Mario Romano. The building works on the Congress Hall began after Ruff´s death under the direction of his son Franz. Dr. Pablo de la Riestra

Period: 20th c.