Ludwig Emil

painter, etcher

born Hanau, 14. Mar 1790

died Kassel, 04. Apr 1863

1.308 / 5.000Younger brother of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. ∞ I) 1832 Maria († 1842), widow of Wilhelm Boettner, painter; II) 1845 Friederike Ernst. 1805-07 studied at the Kassel Academy, among others under Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand Robert, from 1809 at the AdBK Munich under Karl Heß and Peter von Langer. He traveled widely, including to Rome in 1816. 1817 returned to Kassel, where he became a professor at the academy in 1832. 1817 and 1828 visited Nuremberg. Drawings and etchings from Nuremberg from 1828 have been preserved. 1828 honorary member of the Nuremberg Artists' Association. Panzer recorded two portraits of Nuremberg citizens engraved by him based on models by Albert Christoph Reindel. Works: among others, memorial service at the grave of Albrecht Dürer in the Johannisfriedhof in Nuremberg on the morning of April 6, 1828. Drawing and etching, 1828, 45.8 x 59 cm. MuS: KASSEL, Gebr. Grimm-Mus. NÜRNBERG, MStN: 2 drawings; –, GNM. Lit.: Thieme-Becker; Grimm/Stoll, 1911; Grimm, 1950; Mende, 1973; I. Koszinowski/V. Leuschner: Ludwig Emil Grimm, drawings and paintings, 2 vols., Marburg 1990; V. Leuschner, in: GNM A, 1998, pp. 51-64. Exh.: 1836/1; 1941/2; 1955/4; 1958/5; 1964/10; 1971/8 No. 5, 6, 33-36; 1973/2; 1977/1; 1991/1; 1992/1, p. 39 with illustrations (quoted from the Nuremberg Artists' Lexicon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb)

Period: 19th c.