christened Nürnberg, 16. May 1734
buried Nürnberg, 01. May 1803
Family grave no. 628 in the Johannisfriedhof, epitaph still present. Son of Veit Balthasar, copper engraver. ∞ I) 22.1.1757 Helena Catharina Leidinger († 16.10.1796), four sons, one daughter; II) 22.7.1798 Josephina (* 1774 – † 7.4.1811), née Schwarz, widow of Conrad Langhauß, non-commissioned officer, one daughter. Presumably a student of his father, whose business he continued. From 1783 until the end of the records in 1806 he was registered as an copper engraver in the office booklet. In 1758 he painted plants for Christoph Jacob Trew. In addition to Nuremberg prospectuses, histories and portrait silhouettes, he engraved animals for Johann Christian Daniel Schreber's work "The Mammals", Erlangen 1772-95. According to the bill list from 1800, he was a tenant in S. 1609 (Schmausengasse 11). Panzer recorded his portrait as well as seven portrait engravings of Nuremberg citizens, some of which he made himself. Works: "The Three Kingdoms of Nature", Nuremberg C. D. Henning 1776. "Image of the illumination which was held on July 16, 1794 in the Irrhain near Kraftshof in memory of the Pegnesian Flower Order founded one hundred and fifty years ago", etching. For a list of his Nuremberg prospectuses, see C. G. Müller, 1791, p. 8, 66, 67, 77, 89, 92, 135, 154, 174, 181, 182, 203, 206, cont. I, p. 21, 22, 33, 42, 52, cont. II, p. 5. MuS: ERLANGEN, UB. NÜRNBERG, GNM; –, MStN: drawings, pen drawings, copperplate engravings. Lit.: Thieme-Becker; Bénézit; Will, GL VI, p. 59; Murr, 1778; Ludwig, 1998, p. 334. Exhibition: 1906/2; 1968/9. (quoted from the Nuremberg Artists' Lexicon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb)
Period: 18th c.