Friedrich August (Gustl)

sculptor, painter, graphic artist

born Nürnberg, 30. Jul 1911

died Nürnberg, 22. Mar 2001

∞ Anna Christ (* 4.3.1912 – † 18.3.2001).

1932-37 studied at the State School of Applied Arts in Nuremberg, student of Max Körner, Carl Dotzler and Hans Werthner.

After 1945 worked as a freelancer.

1957 model maker at the city planning office,

1958-75 in the monument preservation department of the building authority of the city of Nuremberg,

retired in 1975. For the

Dürer year 1971 he made the designs for two Dürer medals and a so-called Dürer penny.

1951 member of the BBK. Works:

NUREMBERG, Spitalbrücke: memorial stone for the great synagogue, 1970 (design).

Lit.: Masa, Freiskulpturen, p. 77; Mende, Dürer Medals; Erlanger/Fischer, 2000.

Exhibition: 1951/5; 1958/16.

(quoted from the Nuremberg Artists' Lexicon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb)

Period: 20th c.