

born Haigerloch/Hohenzollern, 30. Jan 1551

died Nürnberg, 21. Jun 1622

Schweicker, Schweigker, Schweucker, Sweicker) Würfel reports that 330 men and 222 women were buried with his body. Son of a notary in Sulz/Neckar, father of Emanuel. ∞ I) 1582 Susanna Michaelis († 13.9.1585 Grötzingen), pastor's daughter from Memmingen, two children; II) Grötzingen 13.9.1595 Elisabeth Vischer (* Neckartailfingen - b. 14.11.1602 Wilhermsdorf), six sons, four daughters; III) Wilhermsdorf 13.11.1604 Maria Fabri (* Heilbronn or Heilsbronn?), two sons. 1572-76 studied theology in Tübingen, 1573 bachelor's degree. Ordained on September 26, 1576 in Graz. 1577 traveling and embassy preacher in the entourage of Joachim von Sinzendorf, where he traveled as far as Constantinople and Jerusalem. He wrote a travel report about this, "Newe Reyßbeschreibung aus Teutschland nach Constantinopel und Jerusalem," which was printed in 1608 by Katharina Lanzenberger in Nuremberg. 1582-83 parish assistant in Nürtingen, 1583-89 town pastor in Grötzingen. 1589 pastor in Wilhermsdorf/Mfr. 1605 preacher at the Frauenkirche in Nuremberg until his death. 1582 he translated a German catechism into Italian, which was printed in 1582 at the expense of the Duke of Württemberg and distributed to slaves in Turkey. Schweigger also translated the Koran into German, based on an Italian edition. It was printed in 1616 under the title “Alcoranus Mohameticus” by Simon Halbmair in Nuremberg. A copy from the library of Adam Rudolph Solger is now in the city library. Panzer recorded Schweigger’s portrait. At the age of 54, a medal was minted for him. His family tree with entries from the years 1577-1620 is in the Austrian National Library in Vienna. MuS: NÜRNBERG, StadtB: Druckwerke. Lit.: ADB; Will, GL III, p. 649; Dipt. Frauenkirche; Will, Münzbel. Bd. III, p. 137; Imhoff II, 1782, p. 913; Habich, Schaumünzen; MVGN 2, 1880, p. 89; MVGN 8, 1889, p. 260; Simon, Pfb. Nr. 1295; KDM Nuremberg, 1977; Goldmann, Stammbücher 1981 No. 1373; Jürgensen, 2002; Zahn, DI-N No. 3665. Exhibition: 1907/3; 1972/13; 2002/1 No. 126. (quoted from the Nuremberg Artists' Lexicon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb) Grandfather of the sculptor Georg Schweigger. Lit.: Ott, Carolin: Georg Schweigger (1613–1690): The work of the Nuremberg sculptor reflected in the reception of Dürer in the 16th–20th centuries, Heidelberg:, 2023., p. 61.

Period: 17th c., 16th c.