buried Nürnberg, 12. May 1517
buried 12. 5. 1517 Nuremberg, buried in the Anna Chapel donated by him,
1806 reburied in grave no. 60 in the Rochus cemetery.
Son of Hans. ∞ c. 1501 Barbara Krell (* Lindau - † zw. 20.2. u. 22.5.1521, grave no. 153 on the Rochus cemetery, epitaph still available), childless. He traded mainly in metal goods and cloth and was one of the richest Nuremberg citizens of his time. 1492-17 named. In 1517 he paid a lot of money "in sacks" to Emperor Maximilian I during his visit to Nuremberg for permission to deliver his cloth unhindered to Hungary and Bohemia. In 1502 he donated the marble relief (epitaph) on the sacristy wall of St. Lawrence's Church, which was made of red Salzburg marble by the Austrian sculptor Hans Valkenauer. Remarkable is the size of 3.30 x 2.40 m and the price of 200 fl., which corresponded to the value of a burgher's house. He donated further epitaphs in Aschach and Steyr. In 1511 he donated the St. Anna Chapel (clothiers' or poor chapel) near St. Lorenz, to which also belonged the benefactor's house at Nonnengasse 6, which he acquired in 1513 for 230 fl. rh. For the chapel, he commissioned the reredos of the Holy Kinship from Wolf Traut in 1514 (today in Munich, BNM). The four stained glass windows of the chapel are today in the collection of the Veste Coburg. In 1479 he owned a house at Weißgerbergasse 36, which he sold again before 1482. In 1485 he bought the property Adlerstraße 21/Karolinenstraße 28 for 700 fl. rh., where he also lived; on the parapet in the inner courtyard was a tracery gallery with a relief of the birth of Christ, which is considered to be the work of Adam Kraft (today in the GNM). In 1512 Horn also acquired the property at Rathausplatz 2 (part) for 2200 fl. rh., which his heirs sold in 1520 for 1750 fl. rh. He bequeathed most of his property to charitable foundations (Heilig-Geist-Spital, Armen-Tuchmacherstiftung). In his will he left 1050 fl. for an early mass in Beerbach, which enabled the church to be raised to the status of a parish church in 1520. In 1520 he donated another early mass for the St. Andrew's Chapel in Kalchreuth. Panzer recorded his portrait. A watercolour pen and ink drawing of him and his wife can be found in the account book of the Kunz-Horn foundation for the Heilig-Geist-Spital (in the city AN).
Lit.: Murr, 1801; Zahn, DI-N No. 68; KDM Nürnberg, 1977; Schleif, 1990; Stolz, 1993; GNM A, 1994, p. 115; Stadtlexikon 2000; Kohn, NHb Lorenz u. Sebald.
(quoted from the Nuremberg Künstlerlexikon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb)