
painter, draftsman

born Halle an der Saale, 1934

died Nürnberg, 2013

Apprenticeship as a lithographer at the age of 14


1954 penniless in the Federal Republic of Germany


from 1955 permanently in Nuremberg


1966 Marriage to Jo Niklaus / see: Jo Niklaus


works as an intaglio retoucher until 1991, then freelances


1956 -1964 pupil of Dürer prize winner Georg Weidenbacher


painted constantly alongside his profession


2009 included in the encyclopaedia of "Fantastic Artists" (Prof. Gerhard Habarta)


Since 15 January 2011 with the painting "Rabus" in the PHANTASTENMUSEUM WIEN.


2015 Sunday speeches - on exhibitions and about artists (Prof. Gerhard Habarta).


2021 Mention in KUNSTHERZ (Prof. Gerhard Habarta)



Exhibitions and participations at home and abroad, among others:


2007 Old Town Museum - Fembo House, Nuremberg


2011 Palais Palffy, Vienna


2013 Trierenber Art, Traun, Austria


2016 Natural History Museum Nuremberg E


Works with painted conchylia (snails) in harmony with specimens in V showcases from the "Conchyliensammlung Hans Niklaus".


2016 Kunsthaus-Reitbahn, Ansbach


2017 City Theatre Fürth


2017 Kulturscheune / Friends of the Old Town, Nuremberg


2018 Schwabach Municipal Gallery E


Period: 21st c., 20th c.