christened Nürnberg, 27. Sep 1570
buried Nürnberg, 25. Nov 1632
Son of Albrecht II, redsmith, ∞ I) 6.3.1593 Anna (buried
24.11.1612), widow of Peter Pingen, English cloth maker; II) 26.4.1613
Catharina (buried 4.11.1635), daughter of Mag. Christoph Finster, chaplain in
Hilpoltstein. 1596 master. He was the leading maker of epitaphs in Nuremberg at
his time, the production of which was reserved for a few founders. He worked
for all classes of the population, for craftsmen, merchants, the Nuremberg
patriciate, for canons in Bamberg and for the barons of Rotenhan in
Rentweinsdorf. In the early period he used the formal language of the late
Renaissance, but soon changed to the style of the early Baroque. His work is
characterised by care, neatness and high technical skill. The varied
accessories included scrollwork, flowers, fruits, leaf volutes, putti, the
genius of death, skulls with snakes, angels, winged angel heads, allegories of
faith and hope as well as religious representations. In addition, there were
coats of arms, scriptural tablets and Bible verses. He made the designs and
models for his castings himself. He was also the first master to sign his works
with his initials I. W. or with his full name. On 8.12.1622 he acquired the
rights for his own grave no. 1561 in the Johannis cemetery for 15 fl. and added
an inscription and coat of arms cartouche, dat. 1622. 1622. he lived in the
BAMBERG, Cathedral: epitaph Canon Albrecht of Wuerzburg (†
1610); -, Canon Michael Gross of Trockau († 1614); Martin of Schaumburg (†
1613), attributed to the cathedral.
NÜRNBERG, Johanniskirche: epitaph; -, cemeteries St.
Johannis and St. Rochus: over 200 sign. Epitaphs, Verz. s. KDM Nürnberg, 1977,
S. 582.
RENTWEINSDORF, Lutheran parish church: epitaph Rotenhan.
WIESENBRONN, Lutheran parish church: two bronze tablets for
Johann Büttner († 28.9.1605) and wife Anna († 25.7.1613).
MuS: NÜRNBERG, GNM: ca. 7 epitaphs.
Lit.: Thieme-Becker; Lockner no. 434; Stengel, in: GNM M,
1918/19, p. 137; Boesch, in: GNM A 1892, p. 102; Herold, 1917; KDM Nürnberg,
1977; Dehio, Bayern I: Franken; Zahn, DI-N no. 3740; Ausk. Friedrich von Hagen.
(quoted from the Nuremberg Künstlerlexikon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb).
Thanks to the research of Dr. Zdzisław Jedynak, Weinmann can also be assigned the tomb slab for the Polish nobleman Erasmus Danigiel, who died on 23.7.1624, in St Mary's Church in Krakow, which was commissioned during his lifetime. Zdzisław Jedynak: Płyta nagrobna Erazma Danigiela w kościele Mariackim w Krakowie jako nieznane dzieło Jakuba Weinmanna z Norymbergi [The grave slab of Erasmus Danigiel in St. Mary's Church in Krakow as an unknown work by Jakob Weinmann of Nuremberg], in: Rocznik Krakowski [Krakow Yearbook] 79 (2013), S. 197-201
Style: Baroque