born Rastenburg, Ostpreußen, 05. Dec 1918
died Berlin, 26. May 1984
1924 Moves to Berlin and first attempts at painting, 1926 first sculpture.
1937 Studies stonemasonry at the HdBK Berlin, 1941 master student with Wilhelm Gerstl,
1942 Villa Massimo Prize, Rome. 1946-48 teacher at the art school Burg Giebichenstein b. Halle,
1948-51 professor of sculpture at the HfBK in Berlin-Weißensee,
since 1961 freelance in Friedrichshafen and Berlin-West,
since 1968 professor at the TH Darmstadt.
Lit.: AKL, Index; E. Masa, Freiplastiken
Period: 20th c.