Georg Peter


born Nürnberg, 17. Feb 1715

died Nürnberg, 19. Sep 1788

(...) From 1739 he worked in his father's publishing house in Dielinggasse (Theresienstraße). After his death in 1747, he took over the Nuremberg publishing house and left the Vienna branch to his siblings. 1747-1788 he was listed in the Ämterbüchlein as a bookkeeper. In 1761, through his marriage, he became one of the two managers of the publishing house "Homanns Erben". The shares in the Homann company itself presumably remained in the possession of his wife and passed to their second son Friedrich Albrecht after her death.

In 1780 Georg Peter Monath bought the university bookshop in Altdorf, accordingly scientific literature, especially by Altdorf professors, such as Georg Andreas Will and Christoph Gottlieb Murr, took up an ever broader space in the publishing programme. In 1758 he published a catalogue of 1208 pages, which was continued annually with two supplements until 1788. (...)

 quoted from the Nuremberg Künstlerlexikon, edited by Manfred H. Grieb


Style: Baroque